October 07, 2011

"Tech Tools with Tine"

I *LOVE* this series I'm doing. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission has contracted me for another round of webinars. When I started I didn't know what I would think about giving webinars. Many of the ones I had attended although informative were dry and I just didn't want to be another talking head. I may be another talking head, but I do feel like I'm making a difference with this series. It is explicitly aimed at USING various web tools. I do occasionally give background and why a tool could be used. But the unique twist is to show the clicks and live interaction with the tools. I'm providing immediately transferable knowledge. That's what I love so much about my piece of the training world - being a Knowledge Transfer consultant. I don't just want to provide information. I want to make it tangible so that people are efficient and they RETAIN the information provided.

Thanks to everyone who has made this series a success... TSLAC LD folks and the librarians who attend! You make me proud to share my knowledge.

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